ERP Software For Wholesale & Distribution Business

Pioneering ERP solutions to enhance efficiency in distribution & wholesale business.

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Wholesale Business ERP Solution

From procurement of the materials to managing the supply chain, wholesale producers and distributors encounter innumerable roadblocks. Whether it is in reducing production delays caused by manual workflows or facing collaboration silos between different departments, the problems are endless. This not only reduces the overall efficiency but also puts the brand in a dire situation. Given the hypercompetitive market situation, implementing an advanced and unified wholesale business ERP software is the only radical approach to overcoming these problems and enhancing brand reputation.

This is where we enter the picture! Being a reputed software development company, we offer tailored and groundbreaking ERP solutions to wholesale distributors, sellers, and producers across all industries. From integrating different domains like finance, billing, customer relationship management, and more to incorporating powerful analytical tools at the core, we handle different ensure our ERP software can streamline different business processes, reduce production delays, and seamlessly manage the entire supply chain.

Invest in what matters for your business with Silent Infotech!

Significance of ERP for the Wholesale Distribution Industry

ERP or Enterprise Resource Planning is not just any random business software that a wholesale distribution business can opt to implement at its core. Instead, it is a necessity that has the potential to resolve numerous challenges, boost productivity and efficiency, and eliminate data and communication silos across all levels. So, understanding its importance in the wholesale distribution industry is imminent for every involved business.

Improves Efficiency 

 ERP software enables wholesale distributors to manage & control all business operations from a centralized platform, enhancing team collaboration and reducing employee strength. Process automation minimizes human intervention, decreasing risks and improving overall business efficiency, performance, and deliverables.

Enhances Customer Handling

 Customers drive any business, especially in wholesale distribution, where failing to meet their needs can lead to significant financial and reputational losses. Integrating ERP software is essential for wholesale distributors to enhance customer efficiency, improve response quality, and maintain strong customer relationships.

Accelerates Decision-making

With advanced analytical & reporting dashboards in wholesale ERP software, businesses can make timely, data-driven decisions by identifying key data sources and analyzing hidden trends. These features help to improve productivity, gain insights into the targeted customer base, and facilitate digital transformation. 

Better Supply chain Management 

 The lack of integration between existing applications and reduced information visibility complicates supply chain management. Wholesale ERP software addresses this by integrating workflows into a single platform, providing real-time performance insights, and enhancing data transparency. 

Improve Accuracy  

ERP software in a wholesale business enhances process accuracy & analytical reporting, reducing risks and ensuring precise deliverables through automation. It also aids in quickly identifying the root causes of issues, providing prompt & accurate customer responses, and managing overall business functions efficiently. 

Better Inventory Management 

The wholesale ERP software offers a robust, centralized inventory management dashboard that streamlines stock tracking and prevents understocking and overstocking, reducing risks associated with manual tasks. Additionally, it helps wholesaler's to understand current stock positions, forecast challenges, and improve ROI. 

Schedule A Demo of Wholesale & Distribution ERP Software

Important Elements in the Development of an ERP for the Wholesale & Distribution Industry

Discover the trendsetting features we incorporate into our custom ERP software for the wholesale and distribution sector.


Given the constantly changing market conditions, our wholesale ERP software is designed to be highly flexible and adaptable. This ensures that clients can modify modules on the go without altering the underlying architecture or rewriting the code from scratch. 


Our ERP solutions enhance businesses' digital capabilities, allowing flexible API integrations & quick modifications to reduce time to market and mitigate future challenges. This adaptability ensures businesses can scale up or down based on their requirements.

Real-time Data & Analytics

Our ERP software's powerful data analytics module reveals hidden trends & patterns, aiding wholesale businesses in critical decision-making. This insight helps them understand customers, adapt to market changes, and develop future-proof strategies for growth

Security & Data Protection

Our ERP software uses top-tier military-grade encryption, SSL encryption, and advanced password management to prevent unauthorized access to sensitive business & customer data. This robust security ensures businesses can safeguard their confidential information against increasing cybercrimes.

Automated Processes

Our wholesale ERP software automates billing, email responses, database updates, and more, reducing reliance on manual processes. This enhances productivity and operational efficiency and minimizes the risk of errors.

Mobile Accessibility

Our ERP system features robust mobile accessibility, supporting diverse abilities through intuitive interfaces and compatibility with assistive technologies. This ensures all users, including field sales, warehouse workers, and decision-makers, can effectively access real-time data.

100+ Clients Trust Us To Implement Wholesale ERP Solutions & Experienced True Digital Transformation

Check Out the Latest Case Studies on our ERP Implementation

Features of Wholesale & Distribution ERP Software

Inventory Management

Improve inventory management by streamlining operations like stock movements, automating data entries, and enabling data-driven strategies for efficient stock handling, preventing overstocking, automating vendor orders, and seamless order dispatch.

Sales & Order Management

Our ERP wholesale software enhances sales and order management by automating confirmations, cancellations, & streamlining operations. Improve workflows, manage bulk orders effortlessly, and empower your business with advanced digital capabilities.


 Supply Chain Management

Our wholesale ERP software streamlines supply chain operations, managing workflows seamlessly. It scales to meet business needs, ensuring smooth data flow vertically and horizontally across the supply chain 

 Financial Management

Streamline your financial operations with our custom ERP software designed for wholesale and distribution. Automate billing & gain insights with detailed financial reports, ensuring smooth management at every step. 

 Reporting & Analytics

Our wholesale ERP software integrates advanced analytics for precise decision-making. Gain insights into customer sentiments and pinpoint areas needing urgent modification with accurate reports and forecasts.

 Shipping & Logistics

Shipping & logistics include integrating with carriers for rate comparison and label generation, offering real-time tracking updates, and simplifying returns for efficient customer service and inventory management.


 Batch Number Tracking 

Track individual items with unique serial numbers & manage product batches efficiently. Ensure precise inventory control & product traceability from manufacturing to delivery. 

  Bill Of Material (BOM) 

 In wholesale ERP, the Bill of Materials (BOM) feature enables businesses to specify and organize the components needed to assemble products or kits, facilitating efficient inventory management and production planning.


  Cost of Goods Sold

Accurately calculate the cost of goods sold (COGS) to understand your profitability. Track expenses related to production and inventory to make informed financial decisions.


  Multi-warehouse Capabilities ​

In the Wholesale ERP System, Manage inventory across multiple warehouse locations with centralized control. Optimize stock levels, reduce costs, and improve fulfillment efficiency. 

  Support Multiple Currencies

Conduct transactions in various currencies to support global operations. Simplify international business with automatic currency conversions and accurate financial reporting.


  Centralized Supplier Information

Maintain a comprehensive database of supplier information in one centralized location. Streamline procurement processes & improve supplier relationship management with easy access to key data. 

Streamline your wholesale & distribution operations With expert advice from Silent Infotech. Get a free wholesale ERP demo today! 

Some Important Features Of Wholesale & Distribution Business

Important Features Of Wholesale & Distribution

 Automatically Break Down Bulk Purchases

Multiple Units of Measure feature allows you to automatically convert larger purchases into smaller units. This is ideal for when you buy items in bulk, such as by the pallet, but sell them in individual units.

 Quickly Forecast & Optimize Stock Levels

Streamline your operations and unlock capital with Advanced Inventory Manager (AIM). AIM leverages your sales and lead-time data to determine the ideal minimum and maximum stock levels for each product and warehouse. It also enables you to forecast future demand accurately, helping you avoid expensive stock-outs and overstocking. Enhance your inventory management efficiency with AIM.

 Over 30 Managed Integrations ​

With over 30 plug-and-play connections to accounting, POS, eCommerce, CRM, and analytics tools, We offers limitless tech stack options. Additionally, full API access is available for your developers, ensuring seamless integration with your existing systems.

How to Implement an ERP Wholesale & Distribution Business?

Define Your Requirements

Define your business & technical requirements to enable our consultants and subject matter experts to create a tailored project plan and roadmap that meets your specific needs effectively.

Plan Your Implementation

Once we gather all your requirements, we assess existing systems and IT infrastructure complexity, conduct a thorough analysis, and create a tailored implementation roadmap for the wholesale ERP software.

Prepare Your Data

 We ensure seamless migration of your business data to our new ERP software, backed by multiple backups for disaster recovery. Our process minimizes workflow disruptions while safeguarding against data loss or corruption.

Customize The ERP System

Once data migration is complete, our focus shifts to developing custom features tailored to the ERP software's specific needs, influenced by client requirements, market dynamics, and targeted user demographics.

Train the Users

Next, our priority will be training users to boost technology adoption, ensuring your team fully utilizes the custom wholesale ERP software solution's capabilities.

Test & launch

After thoroughly testing the wholesale ERP software and addressing any code or data issues, we proceed to launch it for real-time users once we're confident in its readiness.

Need Help with ERP Solution for Wholesale & Distribution? Connect with us now!

ERP software can not only solve the current problems you are facing with the wholesale business but also empower you with future-proof digital capabilities. So, do not make any more delay and connect with our consultants now. We will help you understand the full scope of the ERP solution and provide a tailored plan to meet your business and technical requirements

FAQs Related To Wholesale ERP Solutions

Wholesale Distribution ERP Software is a commercial application designed to oversee every part of distribution, encompassing delivery, supply chain management, predicting customer needs, keeping track of stock, and processing orders. This software gathers and preserves essential details about distribution operations, making it simple for users to retrieve and share this information effortlessly.

How can Wholesale ERP software help with inventory management?

Wholesale ERP systems allow for instant monitoring of stock quantities, streamline the process of automatic restocking, and offer analysis to forecast future demand, ensuring optimal stock levels and avoiding both stockouts and surplus stock.

Wholesale ERP systems streamline the process of handling orders, from the moment they are placed to when they are delivered, minimizing mistakes made by hand, increasing the precision of orders, and accelerating the time it takes to complete orders, thereby boosting the level of customer happiness.​

ERP systems combine supply chain operations, such as purchasing, managing suppliers, and handling logistics, to streamline sourcing, shorten delivery periods, boost the turnover of inventory, and improve the efficiency of the entire supply chain for wholesale business.

Yes, wholesale distribution ERP software offers functionalities for monitoring in large quantities (batch tracking) and individual units (lot tracking), allowing companies to keep track of goods from start to finish in the supply chain, adhere to legal standards, and carry out recalls when needed.

Wholesale ERP systems connect with different sales pathways, such as online marketplaces, physical retail outlets, and external online sellers, to align sales information, oversee stock levels throughout different channels, and offer an uninterrupted omnichannel shopping experience for consumers.

ERP systems connect with different sales pathways, such as online marketplaces, physical retail outlets, and external online sellers, to align sales information, oversee stock levels throughout different channels, and offer an uninterrupted omnichannel shopping experience for consumers.

Yes, we provide cloud-based services for wholesale distribution companies, delivering adaptability, versatility, and ease of access from any location with a web connection, while also lowering the expenses associated with infrastructure and the administrative burden of IT management.

Yes, wholesale ERP systems can be combined with e-commerce platforms to make processes smoother and enhance productivity.