Ilesh M Access your data in secure way in lockdown situation using Nextcloud? Presently, we all are in the same situation of “Lockdown” and keeping ourselves safe by working from home to fight this deadly disease named COVID-19. Hence, the concern for the data security and acce...
Devendra R RFID and IoT – A better vision for the Seafood Industry THE IMPORTANCE OF THE SEAFOOD FRESHNESS Fish should smell fresh and mild, not sour or ammonia like,a fish’s eyes should be clear and shiny.The shrimp should not smell like bleach or ammonia, it indica...
Devendra R How to Automate iOS Push Notification With Firebase Cloud Messaging What is Push Notification? Basically, a push notification is an alert that pops up on the smartphone that prompts you to do something the calls you to action it allows you to speak directly to app use...
Devendra R ERP solutions and Integrations based on OpenERP We at Silent Infotech create a solution that enables businesses, organizations, and startups with perceptive design and innovative technology. ERP system is a major need of any business and we have es...
Devendra R How to Use RFID for Inventory & Warehouse Management? × Request A FREE Demo!! Your Name * Phone Number Your Email * Subject * Submit Using RFID For Warehouse Management System RFID stands For “Radiofrequency Identification”. RFID technology uses radio wa...
Devendra R Odoo Community VS Odoo Enterprise In the starting phase, odoo familiar as OpenERP is a set of open source enterprise management applications. The large companies, small business, associations and many different types of organizations ...
Devendra R Odoo community VS Odoo Enterprise edition In the starting phase, odoo familiar as openERP is a set of open-source enterprise management applications. The large companies, small businesses, associations and many different types of organization...
Jignesh V What is difference between Bitrix24 and Odoo CRM? × Request A FREE Demo!! Your Name * Phone Number Your Email * Subject * Submit Here is a basic difference of any closed source CRM (Bitrix, MS Dynamics, ZOHO CRM, Suger CRM etc) Open source CRM (e.g. ...
Tushar C Odoo won’t start after pysftp installed Environment UBUNTU 16.04 Odoo 9 Problem Today I came across the situation where after installing pysftp suddenly I won’t be able to start odoo again. I have tried to do service odoo restart service od...
Tushar C DMA Radius : How to repair “Incorrect key file for table ‘./conntrack/xxxx@[email protected]” Some times if your production server goes down due to power failure you might face below error while accessing “Connection Tracking Reports” in Radius manager. Incorrect key file for table ‘./conntrac...
Jignesh V Odoo – Payfort Payment Integration Odoo PayFort Payment Integration PayFort is the Most Trusted Online Payment Gateway in the Middle East because of the local currency support and local technical support. They have clients from various...
Amit K Zimbra Email Collaboration Solution Fits in all Businesses Zimbra Email Collaboration Solution Fits in all Businesses Zimbra email collaboration has more than 400 million trusted users worldwide. It is the leading open source enterprise email solution and the...